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When Art transforms You


"Art is care for the soul of those who know how to make and contemplate it".

Since ancient times, artists enlightened beings, men of science and transcendence, spiritual masters, have argued that Art is the most powerful means to reach God. Well yes, art has that power to transform, expand and elevate our soul in the fraction of a nanosecond. It can have a very strong therapeutic function on the soul and spirit of those who make it and those who enjoy it. Many sectors are now used precisely because it has the ability to push us beyond the limits of our mind, to question us, to make us face and jump into the unknown. While we make Art our soul finds comfort, our spirit expands and connects with the mystery, that mystery which is the juice of life, the nourishment of conscience. Art is not only linked to transcendence but also to emotions. It is the emotion that gives the artist the spark of the creation of the work. The latter, in turn, stimulates the observer to become aware of his inner world. To get to fully understand shamanic art, we must first of all know and understand emotions: that is, what moves us inside that is ready to come to light and make us fully experience the present moment. Art moves mountains, beauty saves the world and we human and divine beings who populate this dimension, to open ourselves to multidimensional spaces. It leads us to go beyond our limits, judgments, conditioning drives us to take that leap into the void, into the unknown which is pure energy, pure ecstasy. And our soul heals from the depths.


Free The Artist Within



Sarah is Spiritual Artist & Performer, “EstaticArt Inspirer” & “Creative Energy Connector/Catalyzer”.


Her deep love for creative energy and ecstatic flow led her to deepen and experience art, alchemy, awakening, presence, spiritual and energetic medicine, unconditional love, mysticism, shamanism for over 20 years of experience.

Her vocation is to guide you from connecting with infinite space, to your creative voice, to generate, amplify and express your magic, your true essence and / or potential on multidimensional levels.

For Sarah, art in all its forms and manifestations is an immediate and powerful way of inner transmutation. With her you experience that magical and ecstatic space of creativity and beauty inside you, discover your genius and realize your artistic essence by embodying your uniqueness. Discover Sarah's Artistic Universe HERE.

She created "BreathLife", an audio / video meditation program with a series of powerful meditations that guide you to find love, light, truth, creative energy and clarity in daily life. She wrote "Art Transforms you", an ebook where she guides you to get in touch and express your true voice through art.​

She created "Creative Visualization" (Italian version), 5 audio guided meditations specific for artists, creatives and anyone who wishes to discover their artistic genius, express their creativity and originality.


Creator and founder of "ESTATICArt" a "New Perspective of Life and Art at 360" in which Art becomes Medicine for the Soul and Instrument of Personal and Spiritual Realization, she holds retreats, workshops and seminars in her Atelier near Milan, online and around the world, for anyone who wishes to achieve inner bliss and freedom through art and the creative process.


For MindValleyItalia / Omnama she created "More creative in 18 minutes" an audio meditation to increase creativity and inspiration in everyday life. Her essence is deep, mystical, authentic, awake, ecstatic, intense, passionate, devoted, loving and present to guide you to your maximum openness and fulfillment.


She is inspired and passionate about Sufism, Taoism, yoga, tantra and shamanism, she has combined the exploration of body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit on multidimensional levels, knowing, experimenting and practicing the following ways: art, yoga, meditation, spiritual medicine and energy, Taoist meditation, tantra/kundalini yoga, shamanism, spiritual vocal coaching.


Online SHOP - ONLY Italian at the moment ;-)

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